Green Clubs in Schools

In 2021 SAS4SD was awarded a 2 year grant by the Leopold Bachmann Foundation to develop locally relevant teaching material and establish Green Clubs in Secondary Schools in Ghana. 

The external pageGhana Youth Environmental Movement (GYEM) was responsible for developing the Teaching Material.

Green Clubs were established in 8 secondary schools. 

A vision for a better world for our children: The project aimed at educating youth on topics that are directly linked to daily issues they face, using action-based learning to raise awareness and create a commitment to sustainable development in their secondary schools and beyond.

Project goal: Green Clubs aim to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals through effective practical scientific teaching methods and community interactions. Using gender sensitive approaches, participatory learning, and collaborative management, the project worked in close partnership with secondary school teachers to implement Green Clubs at Schools.

Implementation (2021, 2022)

  1. Establish after-school Green clubs and train secondary school teachers in the use of teaching materials that link climate data to actions, i.e. scientific and practical skills related to climate change, natural hazards, sanitation, deforestation, and sustainable agriculture.
  2. Through hands-on activities, enhance the skills and knowledge of students in green solutions such as the adoption of climate-smart agriculture (for vegetables, tree seedlings, and cocoa production), the conversion of organic waste to fertilizers, and rainwater harvesting
  3. Establish demonstration sites (i.e. vegetable gardens, nurseries for tree seedlings production, recycling stations) in collaboration with communities.
  4. Organize workshops with other secondary schools to demonstrate Green Club activities and promote the adoption of similar initiatives by other schools.
Enlarged view: Green Club
Green Club Activities
Enlarged view: Partners
Green Club Project Partners
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