Cameroon Reconnaissance

Enlarged view: Meeting with stakeholders from academia, ENS Yaoundé
Meeting with stakeholders from academia, ENS Yaoundé

In September 2018, four partners from Switzerland visited Cameroon to meet with local stakeholders and to learn first-hand about the topics SAS4SD aims to address in secondary schools and communities.

The trip included meetings in Yaoundé with stakeholders at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) and the Cameroon Ministry of Secondary Education, as well as observations of secondary school teaching in Mfou, a visit to the Ecole Pratique d'Agriculture de Binguela (EPAB), and a visit to the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in Nkolbisson (Yaoundé). The reconnaissance trip program was organized by Dr. Marie-Thérèse Ambassa Betoko. 

During the reconnaissance trip, 2 TAHMO stations were installed and made operational at the Lycée Classique de Mfou and the Ecole Pratique d'Agriculture de Binguela (EPAB) respectively. 

Enlarged view: Lycée Classique de Mfou
Lycée Classique de Mfou - Observation of secondary school teaching
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